WTF?? I just read this whole thing....if you're not a JW why the hell would you want to argue for something you don't have any clue about?? That would be like me trying to convince ya'll were wrong.'s entertainment anyway!
i'm just new to this internet stuff and am studying with the jehovah's witnesses at present.please don't take my lack of knowledge as cheek.
i just want to know if it's meant to be only jehovah's witnesses using this site.
i fully intend to become baptised but was wondering if there's any security to prevent people who shouldn't be using the site and are maybe abusing it from doing so.
WTF?? I just read this whole thing....if you're not a JW why the hell would you want to argue for something you don't have any clue about?? That would be like me trying to convince ya'll were wrong.'s entertainment anyway!
i've never been jw myself but my best friend is, so i'm very interested in this organization.
i'd like to talk about it with people who can understand me because they (or friends or family) were jw.
excuse my errors but i'm french
Welcome Clementine....I'm not a JW either but I have them in my life....stick around & learn lots!!
what are some of the things you had to say to your kids you didn't think you'd ever have to say?
if you don't have kids you can give some examples of any family member or friends.. here are mine to my 6 year old:.
"quit licking the car.
"please stop throwing your toys & the cat out the window" (to my 4 year old)
My mother used to tell my brothers, and they still bring this up, in her bestest thickest scottish accent (she was born & raised):
"I'll take my hand off yer ear".....and they would constantly ask her to please go ahead & take her hand off their ear. Used to drive her she just she's a grandma...'nuf said!
what i mean by this is how can they believe a baby shouldn't have both parents?
i truly believe both mother and father should be united together for their baby.
i posted a question regarding marrying outside the jw earlier... please help me understand this atrocity.
Your sweetheart got scared, and went to the only security she could count on
that's it in a nutshell Paradox...and she only knows one way and that is what she is going to do. I suggested in an earlier post you contact a lawyer. Even if you continue to try to work with her, having a custody order is the best way to go. They cannot change the fact you are this baby's father and you do have rights to it. Make sure you include religion in the agreement, whatever you do. It's not that far away!
i'm a non jw currently seeing a jw.
i am not totaly clear about the rules about jw's in dating.
could someone explain this to me and does it vary from family to family at all?
She was the sweetest girl, her JW beliefs never were an issue until she got pregnant. There are some days where my situation looks good...but it's mostly always bad
I hear you...same with me...I do believe deep down that my ex has a heart. I also realized after the fact that I was never number one in his life, and since he did "such a bad thing" he has to do "all the right things" now including treating me as if I had 3 heads. He is doing everything according to what they require of him, he has yet to follow his heart. He thinks that he's going to raise our son as a JW and doesn't care how that affects him. This would be over my cold dead body by the way. Sounds like your girl is in the same boat.
This has always been one of worst fears. Loving someone who loves you too, then gets pregnant and bails on you... The peices no longer fit...
Unfortunately, that's not exclusive of JW's, but you do have rights to this child, no matter what she or anyone else says. If you want to be in this child's life, then you need to get some rules established right away. Maybe with time, she'll come around, but for now, take it from me, don't wait a minute longer & get some help. Good Luck
not a new light, just a positive light.. sometimes on here i worry that all jws are painted with a bad brush when i know that not to be the case.
today i was looking after a jw patient on the ward and she was the most wonderful old girl you could meet, she really made me smile, and she was bright as a button.
later her family came in, who i didn't recognise and they were just as pleasent.
In my limited experience, my daughter went to a home daycare which was run by a JW family, they NEVER gave me any problems, never forced it, I always provided a Christmas gift to her every year, (once I found out she was JW I didn't use Christmas paper or cards anymore) and she did expose my very level headed daughter to their relgion, by taking her to one of the conventions for a bit. I never minded, I'm all for freedom of choice. It wasn't until I met my Ex and have learned what I learned that I've seen the downside of JW's. So yea, there are good ones out there, but there sure are the bad ones as well, and I'm sure it's like that wherever you go!
does anyone know of a forum i can go to to get lots of support?
cheeko's death has hit me pretty hard.
i'm looking for a forum for ones who have lost close pets.
It's hard to lose a valuable member of your family, I remember when I had to have 2 of my kitties' put down due to illnesses within a month of each other. They both lived a very long life, and it was better to end their suffering, but it didn't make it any easier. Do you have a special place you can go to feel better & think about Cheeko? Maybe make a scrapbook? I hope you feel better....and I won't giggle at snot bubbles either!
hey guys this is my first post just wanted to say i get df`d today .. its a bummer ......the 16 th i had my judicial commite.
if anyone can give me some good vibe il apreciate it.... i been shunned my all my fam.... thank god i have my wife to support me (df`d also ) .
hope to hear from you
Welcome NoAnswers...
I'm not a JW and cannot possibly understand what you're going through, but stick around here and you'll get lots of support. What they do to families is a crime, be better and live your life the way you want to live it. Good Luck!
i have done up a letter to my ex asking him to cease & desist with cramming his "religion" down our sons throat and also to stop our son from calling his wife "mom" and other issues that he's in violation of our custody order with.
it was a nice letter, i told him knock it off or we're going to mediation (in our custody agreement as well) to figure it out.
this was at the advise of my attorney.
according to my attorney, the right sequence is to talk...when that fails (and it did) write the letter expressing the concerns (here I am!) and from there mediation. I did send a copy of the letter to her she is going to foward it to his attorney. We're all pretty sure that he (the ex) will do as he's done with all the rules & carry on as usual. Even the judge was less than impressed with his attitude. His lawyer even shrugs. The more I do to show I'm trying to take care of things and he's not, the better it will look for me when we go back to court. So really, his lack of being an adult, while driving me crazy, could be better for me in the long run. I just have to keep my son as far away from it as possible.
It just makes me physically ill to have to interract with this stranger I had a child with. Oh and the hose beast he married. I'm sorry, bitter?? Yes, just a little, but she's shown me her true side and she's not a nice person so it's hard for me not to call her names. Every once in a while I must let the 3 year old in me out...better to do that here than in front of them.
i have done up a letter to my ex asking him to cease & desist with cramming his "religion" down our sons throat and also to stop our son from calling his wife "mom" and other issues that he's in violation of our custody order with.
it was a nice letter, i told him knock it off or we're going to mediation (in our custody agreement as well) to figure it out.
this was at the advise of my attorney.
and they probably would....actually all the registered mail thing would prove is I sent him an envelope come to think about it. Ok...I'll be taking it to him myself and with a friend. That way if I flake out, she (who has already said she'll kick my ass) will hand it to him for me.
Such a trivial thing...but he does this to me! Thanks guys!